Saturday 27 June 2015




What'd you say if someday someone turns up to you for the definition of this simple word?

It's rightly said that some of the simplest questions contain an answer that could envelope all the knowledge into it, yet fall short to justify its stand.

What'd you call life to be?
An eventual turmoil of situations that describe your future; or could it be the timeline of you growing up from a foetus to a person and finally growing old. Well, speaking frankly,  it'd differ from place to place, person to person.
For someone who's had his time with the hardships of survival and won over, it'd be hos tale of success, while for someone who's gone down it'd be the path of his diminishing stars.
On the other hand, for somebody who's just landed on this funny place called Earth, It'd be the forecoming surprises. For the vaguely living old people, It'd be the bus they've been waiting for all long.

No augury could stand advocating the real meaning of life. Life, as simple as it sounds is one unsolved helix.
One moment you seek to thank the almighty for all you have, while the very next moment that brings misery turns your opinion by 180°, thereby changing everything.

What I wanted to reflect from the long text I just mentioned is that LIFE is nothing but how we hold up to our situations. It is a simple assignment if we take a day at once, or a yet incomplete novel if we're still marking its pages.
Hindu mythology claims that we write our own destiny and as correct as it may seem, it stands more than firmly true.

And life is what we name the way of carrying ourself.

So, I'd say you to unfurl your wings and set to write your own destiny, cause Life is what you're going to make out of it, good or bad may it be.

To all the patient readers who managed to scoop out time from their busy schedule for my thoughts, A BIG THANK YOU and I wish someday, this crap if mine be of some good use to you.
Stay happy stay blessed. :)
Signing off for the day.

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