Monday 19 October 2015

Why seek peace?

Why peace?

Why peace, when we can kill each other and stain our hands with the innocent blood of our counterpart?
Why peace, when we can have laments across both sides of the border, when a lady cries for her husband or son, and a kid cries for being orphaned?
Why peace, when we can target the innocent for the deeds of a handful of culprits?

I'd again ask, why peace, when a friendly India Pakistan game can be embroiled in the political infinite loop?

Why peace,  when hatred is all that is taught to us by the one's whose sole motive was to fracture the brotherhood and humanity?

I do not, in anyway intend to promote sarcasm, but would request each one of us, be it Indian or pakistani, to stay still for a moment and ponder on the topic, the reason why we've had recurring wars and consistent hatred towards each other.

Why have two nations, that share the same origin grown to have such hatred toward each other that war lurkes upon them each moment?
While the harbingers of  enemity are being worshipped, those of love and peace are often bombarded with inappropriate punishments and boycott.
Why is there a need to fight, when each time a soldier is killed, his mother weeps of bloody tears? Each time a bomb explodes, hundreds of lives are shattered. The feeling stays common on both the fronts, each one of us feel hurt when an innocent is plagued.
Why do we need to fight when we feel the same way, bleed the same blood?
If logic is questioned, nobody would have an appropriate answer to the reason of this enemity, but if aggression demanded, thousands would raise.

I stand aware of the delicacy of this topic and seek no motive to deduce someone's action as wrong, but to highlighten the reason why we've had unnecessary bloodsheds for the last seven decades, when all that was needed was an embrace of love.

Had the blot of partition not stereotyped our minds, we'd have had greater number of excellencies popping up. The map would have had a larger part as one nation. We'd have escaped umpteen deaths. And being a cri ket fanatic, I believe our cricket team would have been the best team, with the Indian bastmen and Pakistani bowlers coming togethor for one nation, their nation.
Revenue wouldn't have suffered, the country would have bloomed to be a powerhouse.

Now that being said, what is past is history, all we can do is to help build a better future for all to survive in a healthy manner. Make peace, not for them but for yourself.

Signing off!

Sunday 2 August 2015

Today's loss or tomorrow's gain?

To begin with, I'd like to share a short story that I heard in school.
There were once two frogs who happened to be best of friends. One day, both of them set out for food search. On their way, they saw a jar full of milk. Being both young and adventurous, the duo jumped into the jar, failing to judge its depth beforehand. Soon after quenching their thirst for milk the two thought of getting out. But then, they had just fallen trap to the lure of hunger. They paddled for an hour, made recurring attempts to jump out of the jar but neither of them could get enough of height. Frustrated of the trails, one frog chose to quit his efforts and let life fall apart while the second one still held tight to a ray of hope for survival. The frog who had let it loose soon drowned but his counterpart managed to squeeze out as much effort as he could to paddle. With hours paddling by, the milk thickened and turned into butter. As the floor got solidified,  the lone survivor escaped, leaving behind the reminiscence of his friend soiled somewhere deep in the butter.

Coming to my point, People fail. Yes, they do fail, but not because they flunk; it is rather the lack of a forthseeing vision.
When you are put under peer pressure and the necessity to perform, there are chances that you'd fall short of the target, or in other case, succeed. If you succeed it is fair square but not everybody has his luck accompanying him on the day. But hold on!
You might be thinking the reason why I am hell bent on retracing the lost battles, but I argue that it wasn't the battle that defeated us, but our will to not retry until god gave us the grace.
Had Steve Jobs not incured the first loss of his academic career by dropping out, god knows what would the word be like without his efforts in the field of technology. Not just Jobs, everyone who has achieved success, has a history of failures down the lane.

Talking about my personal experience,  I feel whatever happens,  happens for a good reason. There have been times I have failed, but all that has done is to enrich me of experience and cautions. And nobody knows what life has in store for me. Maybe a mistake I commit today produces a fruitful tomorrow or maybe the other way round. All I want to say is that one should never lament on one's loss, considering it to be the end of the road. There is always something in store.

To wrap up, I quote
" When life pelts stones at you, take it hands down and build a house out of it."

Thank you!
Take care. :)

Saturday 11 July 2015


What if men and women swapped their life for a day ??


Google, wiki, bing!

Think of an answer to the topic. How weird and unsettling would it be if men and women were to swap their life just for a day. The thought itself seems confusing to imagine but given that we were forced to be in one such world, the idea seems to tickle the mind. :)

The normally testosterone rich man would undergo the pain similar to that of 20 shattering bones to bear the li'l one while the usually physically soft one would wait with a mixed feeling of tension and happiness to receive the newest member of the family.
Rather than a shrill voice welcoming the kid, he/she would face a heavy and directing voice. The infant would feel hard beard when it learns to feel rather than the usual soft skin of the mother. The newborn would feel the caress of a rough hand rather than a soft gentle hand stroking its back. The bearded parent would learn the kid's first step while the pretty one stays off place.

The guardianship of the family shall rest in the soft hands, thereby demonstrating the irony to what the world claims. There shall be no female feticide now that the social status of the oppressed sex shall rise above us men. For a change, the girl's family shall receive the groom, and the much unapplauded dowry that flows along. While the women works outside to fetch the family bread, the man shall be the perfect homemaker who balances the duties at home as well as at the workplace. He'd also be the emotional pillar to the family when life demands, and help his better half to handle situations, knowing the fact that she has someone at home to lend a hand if she falls.

While growing grey, the men shall be the one to impart affection and preaching while the women keeps a silent gaze on the offspring's, unless need be there.

For once, the patriarchal society shall taste the sweet or bitter taste of its own medicine, whichever it maybe.

With this blog, I solely aim to pay respect to the mother, sister, wife that stands affirm in pain or gain. The main reason to bring up this blog today is to remind the society that if men are the bricks of the house, the ladies are the pillars to it. It seems easy to measure the pain they undergo for us, but when put into the situation, even the best of man could fall short of the target. The reason I started off with an unorthodox and unconventional situation was to put men in the situation and then deal with the measurement of the work women do for us, still falling short to count it successfully.
On the other hand, Id request all the male readers' to pause for a second and look into my words, rather than being the conventional somnambulists we're turning into. And if I am able to direct even a single man to the right path and save a single lady from the wrong she is bestowed upon, I'd call myself successful.

Thank You !

Saturday 27 June 2015




What'd you say if someday someone turns up to you for the definition of this simple word?

It's rightly said that some of the simplest questions contain an answer that could envelope all the knowledge into it, yet fall short to justify its stand.

What'd you call life to be?
An eventual turmoil of situations that describe your future; or could it be the timeline of you growing up from a foetus to a person and finally growing old. Well, speaking frankly,  it'd differ from place to place, person to person.
For someone who's had his time with the hardships of survival and won over, it'd be hos tale of success, while for someone who's gone down it'd be the path of his diminishing stars.
On the other hand, for somebody who's just landed on this funny place called Earth, It'd be the forecoming surprises. For the vaguely living old people, It'd be the bus they've been waiting for all long.

No augury could stand advocating the real meaning of life. Life, as simple as it sounds is one unsolved helix.
One moment you seek to thank the almighty for all you have, while the very next moment that brings misery turns your opinion by 180°, thereby changing everything.

What I wanted to reflect from the long text I just mentioned is that LIFE is nothing but how we hold up to our situations. It is a simple assignment if we take a day at once, or a yet incomplete novel if we're still marking its pages.
Hindu mythology claims that we write our own destiny and as correct as it may seem, it stands more than firmly true.

And life is what we name the way of carrying ourself.

So, I'd say you to unfurl your wings and set to write your own destiny, cause Life is what you're going to make out of it, good or bad may it be.

To all the patient readers who managed to scoop out time from their busy schedule for my thoughts, A BIG THANK YOU and I wish someday, this crap if mine be of some good use to you.
Stay happy stay blessed. :)
Signing off for the day.

Saturday 24 January 2015

Where's humanity drifting away?

'Mom I have stomach ache today'

'Akram, don't be a bad boy. Get ready for the school fast or you'll be late.'

'But mom...'

'I'll ask abba to get you a chocolate when you return from school.'


... And the mother still bleeds of tears to have stopped her 7 year old son from skipping school for a day, now that his soul rests in peace, finally and forever.

Over the past couple of decades, there has been an exponential rise in the terrorist activities that shake the pillars of humanity. Not just Asian countries like India and Pakistan or the Arab countries, but the entire globe has been a victim of such dreadful and painstaking events. Be it the serial blasts or the 26/11 attacks in India or the 9/11 attacks on the WTC, each and every of this has lead to despair to the civilization and is uncompensatable.

The latest of the inhuman acts, the tragic and unfortunate Peshawar attacks demonstrate of how ruthless these terrorists are. Killing innocent school going children just to seek a revenge can never be a justified recoil against any government, not even in the worst of cases. If for a second we leave behind our selfish interests and try to think of the mother's lament and of her helplessness, we shall know the grief she has levied on herself. For an entire life, she is left behind to accuse herself of her child’s death, though her efforts were for the betterment of the kid in every possible way. Not just this one mother of the father, but everyone who lost somebody that day laments to undo what has fallen upon.

It seems a desultory of mankind that we have not been able to eliminate those who stand as blotch to humanity. The atrocities of terrorism snatch away what is called the feeling of life, leave alone happiness and celebration. If an anabasis is not called by the society against the terrorists, the future generations shall fall short of wood for pyre and grave for the dead. While all good shall end, evil shall emerge as the winner.

The reason I didn’t come up with the usual salutation is my sorrow of what has happened to the society and I shall end it with a prayer to god to restore peace and love in hearts of those who have been mislead.

May the deceased find peace and their families strength.


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